Jak co roku, już po raz szesnasty, konsultanci PEPworldwide przeprowadzili w kilkunastu krajach świata ankietę, której wynikiem jest raport*) przedstawiający najlepsze wskazówki dla efektywnej pracy w roku 2021. Naszym celem jest dzielenie się z wami sprawdzonymi sposobami lub technikami umiejętnej organizacji swojego czasu, które ułatwiają codzienną pracę w biurową. I tak powstała lista dobrych praktyk, która w tym roku może stać się wyznacznikiem do doskonalenia twojej własnej pracy.
Oto ta lista:
- When working from home, prioritize your time making sure that you plan self-care and family needs. (Asia)
- Gather your personal and business tasks in the same system such as Outlook, along with your Emails, Calendar and Contacts. By doing this you will be able to easily move and merge data to all the modes you need to be in charge of your information and activities. (Denmark)
- Say “Thank you” and people will be eager to collaborate with you. (France)
- Working from home? Wear the same clothes as you would wear in your office. At the start of the workday put on your shoes. At the end of the workday close your computer, take off your shoes, change your cloths and enjoy your personal time. (Netherlands)
- Make time for the important. Don’t try to find time. (New Zealand)
- If you are procrastinating about addressing a task, take two minutes and put the purpose and value of the task into your bigger picture. (Norway)
- Don’t believe you are good at Multitasking – Nobody is! Concentrate on one task at a time, complete it, and only then move on to your next activity. (Poland)
- Make sure you schedule your priorities. (Sweden)
- When someone writes or says “urgent” in a request, don’t jump on the task immediately. Reply with this productive question “Urgent, by when?” and you will get missing information for correctly planning your tasks. Also, be sure to advise others by when you need information. (Switzerland)
- Have no scroll bar showing in your Inbox at the end of the workday results in peace of mind. (US & Mexico)
Dane do raportu zostały opracowane na podstawie prowadzonych coachingów z uczestnikami programu PEP.
*) Autorem raportu jest Bary C. Sherman PEPworldwide US.